Call of Duty 4 | Modern Warfare - Compaign - Mission 3 -Charlie Dont Surf

2020-09-25 1

Call of Duty 4 | Modern Warfare - Compaign - Mission 3 -Charlie Dont Surf
Hellow Guys,
In this mission, the US intelligence have found the location of AL-Asad and has sent some teams to capture him. the story line shows that Al-Asad is broadcasting from a building. the Marines are transported there via Helicopters. however, upon clearing that particular building, the marine realizes that Al-Asad is not present there. Therefore, the marines are ordered to check the broadcast station and check for Al-Asad there. Heavy fighting takes place in the broadcast station between US Marines and the Rebles. Rest of the story and the ending will be revealed in the actual please. So watch the video till the end coz this is hell of an interesting mission in this series.

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